Instructions for use Velpatasvir

Instructions for use Velpatasvir


Velpatasvir – active substance, synthesized recently, which aims to eliminate hepatitis b virus From all six genotypes. According to the official instructions Velpatasvir is used exclusively in combination with other active substances. The best option is the combination of Sofosbuvir (400 mg) and Valparasio (100 mg).

The medication is available in several medication – original Epclusa and generics:

Composition and instruction of all of the medications listed above are virtually identical. Composition and instruction Valparasio in this case means taking the drug for the same scheme. A full description of medicines can be found in the original instructions for use of VELATURA.


Dosage form

The medication comes in pill form



with Sofosbuvir is in the process of metabolization in the liver almost immediately after ingestion and absorption. As a result, the drug passes into the active form, binds to a viral protein and prevents its replication (reproduction) and distribution.



Drugs immediately when released into the gastrointestinal tract absorbed. In the interval from half an hour to two hours in the maximum observed plasma concentration of the drug. The excretion of metabolites through the intestines.


Medical how to use Velpatasvir – indications

Based on the description of the drug Velpatasvir, as well as the original instructions on the drug, it is assigned in combination with Sofosbuvir in all six genotypes known to date. Depending on the presence or absence of liver cirrhosis and other adverse manifestations of the vital activity of the virus or related diseases can additionally be assigned Ribavirin.


Instructions for use Velpatasvir - contraindications

of the instructions may not be accepted always. That is why the main recommendation is the intake of drugs only as directed by your healthcare practitioner. According to the instructions of medicines on the basis of the substance Velpatasvir, they are assigned:

  • if the patient was not at the time of treatment initiation eighteen years;
  • if the patient has hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, in particular active substances;
  • if a patient is pregnant or breastfeeding.


Be wary appoint:

  • patient with severe renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • the man, whose age is from sixty-five years and older.

Both categories of patients, according to the instructions for use in Russian, undergoing therapeutic treatment under the constant supervision of the doctor-hepatologist. If the patient in the anamnesis there is a light or medium stage renal failure, is assigned to the standard treatment regimen that does not require correction of dosing. The presence of decompensated cirrhosis implies a taking the drug in combination with Ribavirin. Mandatory monitoring during the entire course of treatment. In some cases there is a risk of bradycardia and then continue the treatment under supervision of doctor.


Treatment regimens for HCV with Galatasaray – usage instructions

For any genotype, the most common and effective is the scheme that combines two active inert components of Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir. It is suitable for all types of patients, as confirmed by the results of clinical trials and experiments, as well as reviews of medical workers and patients who have already received the effect of innovative therapy. More treatment regimens defined in table.


Genotype Patients without cirrhosis of the liver, if not treated at all or treated with the gold standard IFN + ribavirin Patients with cirrhosis of the liver Repeated episodes of therapy after use of other antiviral drugs


12 weeks


12 weeks


+ Ribavirin

(12 weeks fibrosis 0-2 or 24 weeks with fibrosis 3-4)



12 weeks


12 weeks


+ Ribavirin

(12 weeks fibrosis 0-2 or 24 weeks with fibrosis 3-4)


the first-time patients receiving treatment


12 weeks

after other treatment options


24 weeks



+ Ribavirin

12 weeks


+ Ribavirin

12 weeks



24 weeks



+ Ribavirin

(12 weeks fibrosis 0-2 or 24 weeks with fibrosis 3-4)





12 weeks



12 weeks



12 weeks



The drug is taken once a day one tablet containing the daily dose of active substance. Combination with food intake immaterial. It is more important to take the medicine according to the instructions in the Russian language – the tablet is crushed and washed down with plenty of fluids. Water promotes more rapid absorption of medication into the body, allowing immediate effect on the virus. The reception should be done at one time. So the effect of treatment increases significantly.

The scheme of taking the medicine and the duration of the course is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. It takes into account not only the General condition of the patient, but also the form of the disease, presence of complications and comorbidities, whether passed before therapy other drugs and so on. On average the treatment lasts from twelve to twenty-four weeks.

Important! Stop treatment, change the dosage of the drug (decrease or increase) is strictly forbidden. To carry out any changes can only be a doctor if there are serious reasons.


Side effects

Like any other medical drug, produced by Indian pharmaceutical companies, this medicine has a mild and minor side effects, which are manifested in very rare cases, which is confirmed by information from medical instructions. Sometimes patients during therapy can note some changes in your condition. These include:

  • rashes on the skin of varying intensity;
  • low-grade fever;
  • violation of sleep (insomnia or drowsiness);
  • weakness and chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness and headache
  • a quick change of mood.

The appearance of these symptoms should consult a doctor. To implement any changes in treatment alone is not recommended.



Velpatasvir is a relatively new antiviral medication of direct action. Despite this, many patients have already experienced its effect and got a positive result from the treatment. During the use of medications in practice by the doctors has not been a single case that suggests that an overdose of medication in the body. Antidote is no. Therefore, in case of overdose should immediately seek help from a doctor. Held detoxification therapy and symptomatic treatment.



  1. Original plastic bottle containing 28 tablets.
  2. Instruction Velpatasvir in China.


Storage conditions

The drug is allowed to be stored at a temperature not exceeding thirty degrees above zero. The drug must be in a dry and dark place inaccessible to children.


Shelf life

The shelf life is two years since the release of the drug. The production date and shelf life shall be specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. Do not continue taking the tablets after the expiry of the specified period of time.

To buy medicine can. Using the services of our company. Making your reservation is possible online on the website or by phone. Contact information posted on the website.Delivery is carried out in a short time. Detailed information can be found on the website or in a personal conversation with employees of the company.

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